Monday, January 31

She loves these little pink boots. Whenever she sees them, she tries to put them on. She'll walk around with only one on. And they're one size too big.

Sunday, January 30

The sun, it just keeps coming. It points out every tiny fingerprint and splatter on our windows but that's okay.

Saturday, January 29

Finally starting to feel less sick. Slightly less coughing at night. Still eating oranges. Love this sunshine.

Friday, January 28

I needed something new to look at so I changed the photo above the stove. I think I will change it more often.

Thursday, January 27

Her first favourite stuffed animal. She currently sleeps with five favourites. Is that too many?

Wednesday, January 26

I really do like shadows. I prefer taking pictures when there are shadows. And these long January shadows are the best.

Tuesday, January 25

This cold just won't go away. Maybe a little extra vitamin C will help.

Monday, January 24

Some days the only thing to eat is grilled cheese. You know? Dry cough + cold outside = grilled cheese.

Sunday, January 23

Sometimes I am still shocked that she is walking. She's holding our kitchen timer, our little button girl. It's been cold (-20) but super sunny.

Saturday, January 22

A favourite chocolate chip cookie recipe from Katie. Baked some and froze some. Good idea.

Friday, January 21

I've been giving her chewing lessons. We practice with Cheerios. Up till now, if she can't swallow it, she just chokes on it and spits it out. At last, success!

Thursday, January 20

I'm slowly savouring Starbucks ice cream. It's probably a good thing it's not available in Canada.

Wednesday, January 19

She slept about half an hour today, but surprisingly wasn't that grumpy. I could hear her talking to her stuffed animals in the monitor.

Tuesday, January 18

Long lines in the blue-white snow. I really like photographing the shadows.

Monday, January 17

Bright, low, winter sun. Crunching, dry, white snow.

Sunday, January 16

I've finally been sewing. The first project is an apron, for 3-6 year olds. It's too big for my little chef, so I'm modifying it. I might try selling some.

Saturday, January 15

You know you have cabin fever when a grocery trip feels like an outing.

Friday, January 14

It keeps snowing. When I get her up from a nap we say "Wow!" at the window. I got out our old keyboard for my little button-lover to play with.

Thursday, January 13

She loves to wear these black and white patent shoes, almost as much as she loves toast.

Wednesday, January 12

She loves photos of people (especially kids) laughing. This is a favourite book we borrowed from the library. Later she tried to escape.

Tuesday, January 11

The light was amazing. I walked on Dragon Lake for the first time but didn't do any ice fishing.

Monday, January 10

I have so much to be thankful for, so why do I need a reminder?

Sunday, January 9

I looked for new places to photograph but was frustrated by shade and dangerous roads and a lack of the right music. Chocolate whip cream to the rescue.

Saturday, January 8

One day she fell in love with this ball. She finally decided to walk, and she's off.

Friday, January 7

Terrific light but trapped inside. I took a photo out the front door. Taking a big camera and a 14-month old out in -20 would be tricky.

Thursday, January 6

He's been on my case to make him oatmeal raisin cookies. I think a cookie's not a cookie unless it's chocolate. But I love him, so...

Wednesday, January 5

One of her first masterpieces. Today we coloured for the second time, with much greater success (less eating of crayons). She likes to watch the fire. 

Tuesday, January 4

We've had SO much snow lately. I like the clean, white look, much more than the part snow/part dirt look previous. Our neighbour generously snow-blowed our driveway.

Monday, January 3

This daily photo project is not off to a good start - I already forgot one day. Well, actually I took videos instead, so here are some stills.

Sunday, January 2

Pink pom-poms still up in the dining room since her first birthday (November). She wants us to blow so that they move.

Saturday, January 1

For the third year in a row I will attempt to take a daily photo. But this year, when I forget, I will simply carry on.